Pertamina continues to accelerate the construction of refineries while optimizing the involvement of domestic industries in the Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) and Grass Root Refinery (GRR) projects through the establishment of the PT Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Development Acceleration Team (TP2KP).

According to  SOE Ministerial Decree No. 284 dated 22 November 2019, TP2KP consisted of 4 (four) State Owned Enterprise,  namely Pertamina as Team Leader and PT Barata Indonesia, PT Rekayasa Industri (PT Rekind) and PT Krakatau Steel.

After intensive coordination and communication, TP2KP once again held a joint meeting at the office of PT Barata Indonesia, Gresik, East Java (20/1), marking the start of the team’s work. Present at the event, Director General of Metal, Machine, Transportation and Electronics Industry Ministry of Industry Harjanto, Head of BPPT Hammam Riza, Director of Pertamina Nicke Widyawati, President Director of PT Barata Indonesia Fajar Harry Sampurno, President Director of Rekin Yanuar Budinorman, President Director of Karakatau Steel Silmy Karim, and Pertamina Ignatius Tallulembang Director of Processing & Petrochemical Projects.

Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati explained, Pertamina’s RDMP and GRR projects spread in several locations namely Dumai, Plaju, Cilacap, Balongan, Balikpapan, Tuban, and other areas in Eastern Indonesia had been running until 2027. Projects with investments of nearly Rp800 trillion is a great opportunity for national industries to participate as much as possible so as to foster the independence of domestic manufacturing.

“This opportunity must be captured because a project of this size will never happen again anytime and anywhere in the world,” Nicke said.

Nicke added that Pertamina’s RDMP / GRR project requires the construction of other supporting facilities such as storage and ships. This is a rare opportunity for the domestic industry because it creates a lot of needs.

According to Nicke, the procurement of equipment is one of the biggest portions that has an effect on the acceleration of Pertamina refinery development so that it is necessary to increase the role of the domestic manufacturing industry. The increasing participation of the domestic manufacturing industry will indirectly support the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) program launched by the Government.

Nicke  added, in Balikpapan RDMP the percentage of Local Content would reach 35%. Meanwhile, in RDMP Cilacap, GRR Tuban, and Integrated Refinery and Petchem Balongan,Local Content will reach 50%. Even in Balongan Phase II RDMP, Local Content up to 60%, Balongan RDMP Phase I and RDMP / GRR in Eastern Indonesia the percentage is between 70 – 90%.

“In every development and construction of refinery projects, Pertamina ensures the use of products or services from within the country with varying percentages for each project location,” he added.

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