- 8 January 2020
- Posted by:dimas
- Category:Events, Press Release

Following up on the Decree of the Minister of SOE Republic of Indonesia number: SK-290 / MBU / 11/2019 Regarding the Formation of the Team for the Acceleration of Manufacturing Industry Development, Today (5/12) a Joint Agreement Letter was signed between several State Owned companies that engaged in Manufacturing Industry. Which consists of PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), PT INKA (Persero), PT Boma Bisma Indra (Persero), PT IKI (Persero), PT Dok & Shipping Kodja Bahari (Persero) and PT Dok And Shipping Surabaya (Persero).
That team actually happened several years ago with the formation of the National Shipbuilding Heavy Industry (NSHI) cluster. But what is different is, that PT PAL (Persero) has now joined the National Defense & Heavy Industry (NDHI) cluster while PT Inka (Persero) has joined the railroad manufacturing industry.
On this occasion, the delegation of the manufacturing consolidation Working Group SKB was also presented by the Head of the Development Team for the Acceleration of Manufacturing of SOE Industries namely Barata Indonesia’s President Director, Fajar Harry Sampurno. The Working Group of each company consists of the Corporate Secretariat, Finance, Business Synergy and Human Resources groups.
In this regard, the Ministry of SOE’s has also appointed an independent consultant with a good reputation to conduct a deeper study and assistance to the consolidation working group and to be asked to provide professional recommendations as consideration in making shareholder decisions.
It is hoped that by February 2020, the study will be completed so that the benefits of this consolidation can be felt immediately and the SOEs in the domestic Manufacturing Industry can play a greater role in encouraging national economic growth.