PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) through the Water Resources Division succeeded in completing the Cisadane Irrigation Area New Market Dam (DI) rehabilitation work project owned by the Central Ciliwung-Cisadane River Region (BBWSCC) Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) in a timely manner (ahead ). This flood gate rehabilitation is the first since the Pasar Baru Dam was built in 1930.

Pasar Baru Dam which extends from east to west has a length of 125m with 10 flood gates with a door width of 10m, 3 intakes, 2 mud drain gates, 5m high door, 3m high door, and each door weighs 25 tons.

In the dam rehabilitation project, the scope of Barata Indonesia’s work includes the replacement of all flood gates, the construction of a generator set to the over head crane stop log control system.

With the completion of the Pasar Baru Dam work, it will add to the company’s portfolio in the field of Water Resources. As previously known, Barata Indonesia also has competence in the field of water resources with its capabilities in the field of dam components and flood gates.

Even Barata Indonesia’s achievements in the field of Water Resources, received recognition from the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) after successfully producing two Hollow Cone Valve (HCV) which has a diameter of 3,850 mm with a weight of 31,000 kg per unit.

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