- 19 June 2019
- Posted by:dimas
- Category:Press Release

PT.Barata Indonesia (Persero) intends to increase the company’s manufacturing capacity by producing National Railway Wheels.
The national industry’s seriousness in producing the national railroad wheels was shown by a visit from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Mohammad Nasir, Deputy of Mining, Strategic Industry and Media of the Ministry of State Owned Enterprise, Fajar Harry Sampurno, ITS Chancellor Prof. Ir. Joni Hermana, M.ScES, And BPPT, went to the Barata Indonesia workshop on January 31, 2019.
During the visit, They looked at the facilities and capabilities of the workshop and also visited a new machining center that was being built by Barata Indonesia.
As a follow up to the visit and in accordance with the direction of the Minister of SOEs that Barata Indonesia begin producing National Railway Wheels replacing the current imports, it has been initiated to discuss the road map for the development of railway wheel technology which will be initiated by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, involving scientists in ITS academics and other institutions .
Barata Indonesia’s President D Director, Oksarlidady Arifin said, Barata Indonesia asked by Ministry of State Owned Enterprise to start developing the national railroad wheels, was very grateful for the care of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia.
“The plan is that in 2019 Barata Indonesia targets to start the first production process,
continued with the second stage in 2020 while waiting for working capital readiness, “he said.
Barata Indonesia is optimistic that it can carry out the mandate well. Moreover, Barata Indonesia has also been known as a company producing railroad components, namely Bogie, which is not only consumed by the local market but has also been exported to various countries.
The existence of a machining center that is being built is also one of the efforts of the company to improve the performance of the Machining process which is currently demanded to be faster and more precise. Including one of its functions will be utilized for the Train Wheel Machining process.