PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) participated in the 2019 National Sugar Summit at Grandcity Surabaya, 12-13 December 2019.

The event organized by the Indonesian Sugar Expert Association (IKAGI) aims to formulate a National sugar solution.

With the experience that Barata Indonesia has had for a century in the sugar industry, the company is committed to being a solution provider for agro industry projects, particularly the national sugar industry.

In the exhibition, Barata Indonesia also presented several sugar factory projects that were being carried out by the company in its efforts to help the national sugar industry. Some of the projects are, the Rendeng Sugar Factory, in Kudus, Central Java with a capacity of 4000 TCD, the Gempolkrep Sugar Factory in Mojokerto with a capacity of 8000 TCD, the Asembagus Sugar Factory, Situbondo, with a capacity of 6000 TCD after the Bombana Gula factory, Southeast Sulawesi with a capacity of up to 12000 TCD.

By presenting the national sugar factory projects undertaken by the company, Barata Indonesia hopes that the support provided by the government in supporting the local industry of the country can continue to increase.

This is intended to ensure that national food security through national projects can be achieved while at the same time assisting the development of local industries in the country.

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